Alberto Gallego

Alberto Gallego

About me: I make software, write, and take photos.

Unwired Ideas from a Ryanair flight

Yes, I know. Another list. Probably this will be the last one for a while.

Yesterday, I was on a flight back to Spain and was reading Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. So, in this edition, I’m probably very influenced by him.

Never trust your gut when deciding to do something (like join a startup or get married)–make decisions to affirmatively do something with strict data analysis. But always trust your gut when it tells you not to do something. If your gut tells you to not work at a particular company (or to stop dating someone), trust it implicitly, because your gut is much better at saving your life than it is at figuring out upside opportunities. Essentially, your gut is very good at making sure you don’t get eaten by lions.

In past editions I talked to you about Sunbathe, the app I was working on with Julia. After a while, the first version is ready. If you don’t remember, it’s a single-purpose application that aims to help you become more aware of vitamin D by showing you the optimal times to get your dose of vitamin D in your location.

The application can be purchased for a one-time fee of $3.99 for both iOS and Android. We have several ideas for this app, and over the months, we will be developing new features. No rush, but no pause.

After the flight, at approximately 8pm

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