Put Something Back

Today, I have to admit that it’s been a bit complicated to send this. Basically, the lines weren’t coming out right. And since I don’t like sending something I’m not satisfied with, here we are, using the audience’s lifeline.

In this case, Steve Jobs. Everyone knows who he is, so I’ll skip the introductions. A couple of years ago, Laurene, Steve’s wife, launched the Steve Jobs Archive, a website that compiles a private collection of emails, photos, and references about the Apple founder.

And today, I’m sharing my favorite email.

I grow little of the food I eat, and of the little I do grow I did not breed or perfect the seeds.

I do not make any of my own clothing.

I speak a language I did not invent or refine.

I did not discover the mathematics I use.

I am protected by freedoms and laws I did not conceive of or legislate, and do not enforce or adjudicate.

I am moved by music I did not create myself.

When I needed medical attention, I was helpless to help myself survive.

I did not invent the transistor, the microprocessor, object oriented programming, or most of the technology I work with.

I love and admire my species, living and dead, and am totally dependent on them for my life and well being.

Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 11:08PM

We are born and grow thanks to others. We are nourished by others. Individualism only leads us to unhappiness. And it’s ultimately useless.

Because everything we are and will be depends on others. Because everything we have and will have depends on others.

So at the very least, try to put a smile on life, make life easier for others, and give something back. Basically, learn to be grateful.

I’m not saying it; Steve is.

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