The age of average

Welcome to this new Everything is a Remix’s edition, today’s remixes are:

  • Alex Murrel makes an in-depth analysis of the current moment in creativity. You go to every coffee shop around the world and you find the same kind of place with the same menu everywhere, kinda boring. The same happens with cars, architecture, interior design…
  • Everything is average until you meet Alain Laboile. He is one of my favorite photographers and not because he takes wonderful landscape photos, but because of the simplicity of his photography. I love this collection he has of his family.

  • The other day Ben Bouche popped up in my Twitter timeline and I thought: “Elon Musk once in a while doesn’t mess up so much this social network”. His illustrations awaken in me a feeling of exploration that only happens to me with some Pixar or Disney movies.


Remember to embrace the chaos and I hope you have a far from boring Sunday. Enjoy the day.

Thanks for reading and see you next week.


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