Do it for yourself

The modern world has imposed on us that we have to do things for someone else. That we need to create an audience. That our personal brand is important. That our hobbies could be our source of income in the future.

But where does the virtue of creating go? No one does anything for the simple sake of doing it anymore. For the sheer joy of the process. Because they feel like it.

And that’s where the magic arises.

It’s in that shadow where the spark is generated. Where the fire ignites. In that moment when you accept that what you’re doing won’t be seen by anyone, that’s precisely the moment of greatest enjoyment that exists.

Because, as Tarantino says:

“I make movies for myself, and the audience is invited.”

He doesn’t care if they watch or not. He’s passionate about cinema since he worked at that video store. He makes movies because that’s his way of expressing himself. And he simply couldn’t not do it.

But his goal is nothing but to create.

And that’s when art makes sense. Because most artists don’t create for anyone else but for themselves. It’s their way of telling what they live in their heads.

Because it doesn’t matter what you do. Do it for yourself.

Write. Draw. Read. Sing. Sew. But do it for yourself. And do it because you couldn’t not do it.

Because, as I said in my previous article, rebellion, passion, and freedom are antidotes to the absurdity of living. And it’s in that process where you’re able to gather all three.

And who knows, maybe something more will arise from it. Someone accepts that invitation that Tarantino talks about and joins your club. Someone writes to you. Someone tells you to keep doing it. And I won’t lie to you; that’s beautiful.

But it’s even more beautiful to do it for yourself.


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