Keep Your Word

Humans commit through words.

For example, every person you love today entered your life through words. The friend who became close after a long conversation filled with shared understanding. Or the girl who became your girlfriend after you told her you liked her.

Likewise, everything you long for has become words. Those dreams you wrote down in your notebook as a child. The beautiful moments you recorded in your journal so they’d last forever. Or simply that recurring question you asked yourself: “What do I want to be when I grow up?”

Words are the most powerful way you have to commit, and keeping your word should be your goal.

Something so simple, yet so complicated: making sure that words and actions align. That you do what you say or say what you do. The order doesn’t change the result.

It’s sad to see people surprised when someone actually does what they said they’d do. Shouldn’t that be the norm? Unfortunately, it’s not. We live in a world clouded with lies.

And the biggest lies are the ones you tell yourself. How many times have you told yourself that you wanted to get in shape, write that blog, launch that project, or finish that book? I’m guilty of all of them. And probably, so are you.

So, if I had to give you one piece of advice, it would be this: keep your word. For yourself and for others. In both the smallest things and the biggest.

It’s okay to change direction, to make mistakes, or change your mind. But those things you’ve promised to yourself or to others—fulfill them. The satisfaction you feel from saying and doing what you promised is priceless.

Because there’s nothing sadder than letting others down, and nothing more painful than letting yourself down.


Today’s recommendations


Last week, I mentioned that I had been invited to participate in a photography exhibition in London. Well, I’ve decided not to go through with it. The decision is simple: I still have a lot of room to improve as a photographer, and I’d prefer to work on that before showcasing anything else.

On another note, last week Creare was featured on Product Hunt. It received a total of 18 solid upvotes—not much, but that’s okay. The goal with Creare is to slowly gather unique places, hoping that someone out there will appreciate it.

Friends Ana and Eduardo from Casado Gonzalez are among those who do. They sent a lovely email, which I won’t share for privacy reasons, saying they liked the project. That made me really happy. Since I know you’re both subscribed here, a warm greeting from this humble newsletter.

Even the box is beautiful

A little over a year ago, I was in South Korea and, by chance, bought a pen from the brand Monami—the Monami 153 Black, to be exact.

Now, the ink is running out, and surprise, surprise, they don’t sell replacements in Europe. So, I’ve urgently started the search for a European pen with similar qualities before mine dies for good.

I bought the Lamy Noto, which clearly disappointed me. Some pens that seem to fit what I’m looking for are the rOtring 600 or the Zebra Pen G-450. If you have any recommendations, I’d really appreciate it!

And if you’re into the world of pens, Reddit has the best channel for that.

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