I want people

I want people in my life who challenge me, who make me uncomfortable.

I want people who are free, who think independently and make me question what is right and wrong.

I want people who are spontaneous, who love sincerely, with the courage to speak the truth to my face.

I want people who are ambitious, driven to build a life that reflects their idea of perfect happiness. People who choose the right path, even when it’s the hardest one.

I want people who feel fear but don’t let it hold them back. I want them to inspire me to face my own fears and be brave.

I want people who don’t seek external validation, who think for themselves, and see the world in their own way.

People who live without fear, with a passion to embrace the fullness of this incredible experience called life.

Today’s recommendations

Clouds everywhere + Gmail

Fall is my favorite time of year. After a brutally hot summer, the crispness in the morning air has brought me back to life. There’s something special about autumn sunrises and sunsets—they seem more beautiful than usual.

Lately, I’ve been a bit obsessed with clouds. Capturing photos of them. Appreciating their beauty. Here are some of my favorite shots:

Cloud 1
Cloud 2
Cloud 3
Cloud 4
Cloud 5
Cloud 6
Cloud 7

After my recent obsession with clouds, let me share another of my particular quirks. With so many projects, I have multiple email accounts spread across different platforms, and I’ve always wanted to unify them somehow.

After extensive research, I settled on Fastmail as my solution. Overall, I like it—everything is centralized now—but I still miss the Gmail interface. To me, Gmail and Calendar are the best interfaces Google has, and probably the only ones Google these days.

Just yesterday, I stumbled upon something interesting. By using Cloudflare with Gmail, you can configure infinite subdomains in Gmail, all while managing them from your [email protected] account.

I’m going to give it a try and will let you know how it goes, but it feels like I’m one step closer to returning to my beloved Gmail interface.

What's next?

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