Hi, I'm Alberto 👋🏻

I’m a curious mind and a slow thinker.

I don’t typically define myself, but I’ll say that I spend most of my time creating software (for myself and others), staying healthy, writing, reading, and taking photos while traveling.

Welcome to my little space on the internet.

The best way to know what I’m working on is through my weekly newsletter, Yugen, where I mainly discuss the topics mentioned above.

You can unsubscribe whenever you want. No hard feelings here.



My weekly newsletter about creativity, health, and living independently.


Open source template for creating directories using Airtable as a database (the same we use for Creare).

Creare Spaces

Curated directory of beautiful places to work around the world.


The map where you can find places to find your calm and silence.


Your ally for getting your daily dose of vitamin D.


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